
Friday, August 9, 2013

Creek work complete at #8 tee

The 8th tee has been closed for the past four days due to work in the creek next to the tee. The construction crew cleaned up around the tee yesterday afternoon and is moving their operation to the 9th hole for the next two weeks. The tee will open for play today (Friday August 9th). The photos below show the new stream bed below the weirs with large woody debris added for improved fish habitat sites.
Photo taken from bridge to the 8th tee looking downstream.
This view is from the black tee area looking upstream.
The bank will be planted with native shrubs in September near the end of the project. The two photos below show the completed in stream work along the 8th fairway near the 150 yard marker.
Looking upstream along 8th fairway. The photo below shows the same area looking down stream. The rolls of burlap along the bottom of the slope are there for erosion control to prevent soil from entering the stream during a rain event. The stream bank will also be planted with native shrubs near the end of the project. Hopefully those plantings will be able to out compete the knotweed from taking over the area in coming years.

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